Cervical Cancer: Can You Still Cure It?

Emily Teo
3 min readDec 19, 2023


Cervical cancer is a concern for many women visiting their recommended gynae in Singapore. After all, like many cancer types, patients often have more difficulties recovering when they reach advanced stages.

However, cervical cancer is curable on a case-to-case basis. Let us learn more about the factors affecting your chances of fully recovering from this cancer.

When is Cervical Cancer Considered Cured?

No one can ever be truly certain if your cervical cancer will come back or not. Instead, we say that the patient is in remission.

You can either be in partial or complete remission. If someone is in complete remission, the doctor can no longer detect any signs of cancer.

Some people stay in remission for life after their treatment. There are physicians who consider the person cured if they remain so for at least five years. However, there is always the possibility of their cancer coming back at any point.

Factors Affecting Survivability Against Cervical Cancer

Here are the main factors influencing how curable your cervical cancer will be:

When Were You Diagnosed?

Early-stage cervical cancer is easier to treat because the cancer cells have not spread too far yet. The earlier your cervical cancer gets diagnosed, the higher the chances of a successful treatment plan.

This is why you should get screened regularly at a recommended Singapore gynae. It would help in spotting your cancer before it grows worse.

How Was Your Overall Health?

How healthy were you before you got diagnosed with cervical cancer? Your doctor might be forced to adjust the treatment plan to avoid aggravating any pre-existing conditions you might have.

This could affect how effective the cancer treatment will be on you, thus impacting your chances of going into remission.

How Well Do You Respond to Treatments?

Each cervical cancer patient responds differently to their treatment plans. For example, surgery alone might not completely remove the cancer, so your oncologist could prescribe medications and therapy.

But even so, undergoing stronger treatments does not always ensure that your cervical cancer will be cured.

Prevention is Always Better Than A Cure

Modern cancer treatments have indeed done so much to help many Singaporean women fight against cervical cancer.

However, the age-old saying “prevention is better than cure” cannot be understated when discussing cancer. Even if your cervical cancer goes into remission, you still have to deal with its impact on other aspects of your life.

Take these tips to heart so you can better reduce your risk of cervical cancer:

  • Get vaccinated for HPV, which is the biggest risk factor for cervical cancer. Practising safe sex also helps you avoid contracting the virus.
  • Get screened regularly at your gynae here in Singapore. The general rule is to have a pap smear and HPV test every three to five years. This helps you get an early diagnosis.
  • Familiarise yourself with your family’s health history. If your female relatives are prone to developing cervical cancer, you have a high risk as well. It would be best to visit your Singapore gynaecological clinic more often for checkups.
  • Have a healthy lifestyle by eating balanced meals, exercising, and avoiding vices like smoking and drinking alcohol. This reduces your risk of diseases that could lead to cancer and also improves your response to treatments.


Cervical cancer is indeed curable if diagnosed and treated early. However, that does not mean you have no chance anymore when your cancer advances to a later stage. You can still change your diet and habits to ease your symptoms.

So always stay safe and healthy by regularly getting checked at your recommended gynae here in Singapore. They can perform pap smears and other screening tests, vaccinate you for HPV, and advise you on how to lower your cancer risk or deal with its symptoms.



Emily Teo

I am a health blogger, helping women gain a healthy body and self-esteem. | Promoting women’s health for more than a decade.