How Can Women Deal with Sexual Dysfunction?

Emily Teo
3 min readMay 28, 2024


Sexual dysfunction is often discussed with men in mind, but we should not forget that women can experience such problems too. Being unable to enjoy sexual intercourse can be detrimental to our self-esteem and our relationships with our partners. However, there are ways to address this problem with the help of our trusted gynaecologist and other support systems.

But first, let us understand the kinds of sexual disorders that trouble many women in Singapore.

What Types of Sexual Dysfunction Issues Do Women Suffer From?

Female sexual dysfunction comprises a wide range of issues, which we can categorise into the following:

Low Libido: This is a persistent lack of desire for sexual activities.

Sexual Arousal Disorder: This problem makes it difficult to become aroused or maintain one’s arousal even when interested in having sexual intercourse.

Orgasmic Disorder: With this issue, you may not be able to achieve an orgasm even when completely aroused and stimulated.

Sexual Pain Disorder: Certain conditions can cause pain when you are sexually stimulated or during penetration. For instance, vaginismus is a disorder wherein the vaginal muscles become tense, making intercourse painful.

How to Cope With Female Sexual Dysfunction

Understand the Root Cause First

Before we can manage our sexual dysfunction, it is vital to identify the underlying cause first. Getting examined at the gynae clinic can help diagnose the issue, which could be a psychological or medical matter.

Psychological Causes

  • Issues like depression, stress, and anxiety can diminish our interest in many activities, including sex.
  • Emotional trauma from abuse and other negative past experiences can also hinder sexual desire and enjoyment.
  • Relationship woes with your partner may also translate to intimacy issues in bed.
  • Cultural beliefs or a poor self-image can make you feel ashamed of your sexuality and the idea of having sex.

Physical or Medical Causes

  • Taking certain medications such as blood pressure drugs, steroids, and antidepressants can lower your sex drive or reduce the pleasure experienced during intercourse.
  • Excessive alcohol intake can inhibit your ability to stay fully aroused or achieve an orgasm.
  • Hormonal imbalances also impact our responsiveness during sexual activities. For example, lower oestrogen levels cause poorer blood flow in the pelvic area. This hinders arousal and also decreases the sensations felt by our genitals.

Discuss Treatments With Your Gynae

If your gynae uncovers the disorder and its cause, they can recommend treatment options and advise you on what else you can do to improve your condition. Depending on the diagnosis, treatment plans may include hormonal therapy, medication, or topical creams. They may also direct you to another specialist if the dysfunction has a psychological cause.

Talk To Your Partner

Your disorder affects not only you but your relationship with your partner as well. It is crucial to always communicate with them about how your sexual dysfunction is making you feel. Likewise, you ought to listen to your partner as well. Working together on a solution can strengthen your relationship and thus improve your sex life.

Consider Counselling

A gynae may suggest sex therapy and counselling to help you work through your sex life and relationship problems. Therapy sessions can involve teaching ways to boost intimacy, mediating conflicts, and couples exercises to strengthen your bond with your partner.

Practise a Healthier Lifestyle

Healthier habits also positively impact your overall well-being — including your sex life. For instance, regular exercise reduces your stress levels, which can help boost your libido. A balanced diet may also improve oestrogen levels for enhanced arousal.

Do Not Be Afraid to Seek Help for Sexual Health Issues

Many women face similar challenges with their sexual health, but there is no need to do it alone. Seeking a gynae or other specialist for your sexual dysfunction is a sign of strength, not weakness. It means you are not afraid of getting professional help for your condition.

If you have any concerns regarding sensitive topics such as your sexual disorder, do not hesitate to visit your gynae clinic in Singapore. Their team can help determine the problem and do what they can to help you have an enjoyable sex life again.



Emily Teo

I am a health blogger, helping women gain a healthy body and self-esteem. | Promoting women’s health for more than a decade.